SA YouthSA Youth Application Deadlines For Next Phase Of Teacher Assistant Initiative

SA Youth Application Deadlines For Next Phase Of Teacher Assistant Initiative

Sa Youth Application Deadlines For Next Phase Of Teacher Assistant Initiative. As the third phase of the teacher assistant initiative comes to its end soon, the Department of Basic Education has announced the application timeliness for the next phase. Qualifying individuals have been urged to submit their applications in line with the dates provided. education assistant online application 2023

  • Level 2 or 3 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools.
  • Level 3 Diploma in Childcare and Education.
  • T Level in Education and Childcare.

This Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) came about as a means to reduce youth unemployment and lessen the workload of teachers by assisting them with daily activities.

SA Youth Application Deadlines For Next Phase Of Teacher Assistant Initiative

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has implemented three phases of the PYEI to date and the contracts of the youth who are currently participating in the Third Phase end on 31 August 2022.

The department has urged youth that has never been part of the initiative to apply for the next phase.

In an interview, the initiative’s Project Manager, Lala Maje announced:

We are going to open the applications for everyone from 22 September 2022, and they will run for three weeks up until 16 October 2022.

See Here >> Teachers Assistant Online Application 

However, the department will open a pre-application window from 5 September 2022, which will run for three weeks, allowing young people to prepare themselves by gathering all the documents and information that will be required for their application.

Applications are to be done through the data free website, which requires the profiles of job opportunity seekers to be up to date.

As part of the qualifying criteria, you need to be unemployed and be aged between 18 and 34.

Maje has also emphasised that the department is looking for young people who did not participate in previous three phases.

The department also said applicants should be looking forward to being invited for interviews towards the end of November and beginning of the first week of December.

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