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Creative Thinking Business Studies Grade 12 Study Notes

Creative thinking is an important skill in the workplace, as it allows individuals to come up with innovative and unique solutions to problems. In today’s rapidly changing business environment, creative thinking is becoming increasingly important.

Companies are looking for employees who can think outside the box and come up with new and innovative solutions to problems. Creative thinking is also important for personal growth and career advancement, as it allows individuals to develop new skills and perspectives.

Topics under Creative Thinking

  • Routine versus Creative Thinking
  • Creative Thinking in the WorkPlace
  • Problem-Solving
  • More Advanced Problem-solving Techniques
  • Conventional versus Non-conventional Solutions
  • Assessing Creative Solutions to Business Problems against the Reality of the Business Environment

Definition of Creative thinking

Creative thinking is the process of generating ideas, concepts, and solutions that are original and valuable. It involves breaking away from traditional ways of thinking and exploring new and unconventional ideas. Creative thinking is an important aspect of problem-solving, as it allows individuals to come up with innovative solutions to complex challenges.

Relevant Terminologies

  1. Brainstorming: Brainstorming is a group problem-solving technique that involves generating as many ideas as possible in a short period of time. The goal of brainstorming is to encourage creativity and to generate a large number of ideas.
  2. Lateral thinking: Lateral thinking is a creative problem-solving technique that involves looking at problems from a different perspective. It involves considering alternative solutions and breaking away from traditional ways of thinking.
  3. Mind mapping: Mind mapping is a visual thinking tool that helps individuals to organize their thoughts and ideas. It involves creating a diagram that shows the relationships between different ideas and concepts.
  4. Prototype: A prototype is a preliminary model of a product or solution that is used to test and refine the idea. Prototyping allows individuals to explore different ideas and to identify potential challenges and limitations.
  5. Divergent thinking: Divergent thinking is the process of generating a wide range of ideas and solutions to a problem. It is the opposite of convergent thinking, which involves finding a single solution to a problem.

Creative thinking is an important skill in the workplace, as it allows individuals to come up with innovative solutions to problems. Understanding the background, definition, and relevant terminologies of creative thinking is important for students of business studies, as it will help them to develop their problem-solving skills and become more effective in their careers.

Creative Problem-Solving Techniques in the Workplace

  1. Delphi Technique: The Delphi Technique is a group problem-solving method that involves anonymous surveys and feedback. It is used to gather opinions and ideas from a group of experts and to reach a consensus on a particular issue.
  2. Force Field Analysis: Force Field Analysis is a problem-solving method that involves identifying and analyzing the factors that support and oppose a change. It helps individuals to understand the forces that influence a problem and to make informed decisions about the best course of action.
  3. Brainstorming: Brainstorming is a group problem-solving method that involves generating as many ideas as possible in a short period of time. The goal of brainstorming is to encourage creativity and to generate a large number of ideas.
  4. Mind Mapping: Mind Mapping is a visual thinking tool that helps individuals to organize their thoughts and ideas. It involves creating a diagram that shows the relationships between different ideas and concepts.
  5. Nominal Group Technique: The Nominal Group Technique is a problem-solving method that involves small groups of individuals working together to identify and prioritize solutions to a problem. It is a structured process that encourages active participation and equal voice among all members.
  6. SCAMPER: SCAMPER is a problem-solving technique that involves considering a wide range of possibilities for improving a product or service. It involves asking questions such as “What if we combined this product with another?” or “What if we used it for a different purpose?”
  7. Forced Combination: Forced Combination is a problem-solving method that involves combining two or more ideas or concepts in a new and unexpected way. It is a creative technique that encourages individuals to think outside the box and to generate new and innovative solutions to problems.
  8. Empty Chair: The Empty Chair is a problem-solving method that involves imagining a person who is involved in the problem and addressing that person as if they were present. It is a technique that can be used to improve communication and to explore different perspectives on a problem.

These are some of the most common creative problem-solving techniques used in the workplace. Understanding and using these techniques can help individuals to become more effective in solving problems and to generate innovative solutions.

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